Commercial Recycling of Electronics – E-waste

As businesses around the world strive to reduce their environmental impact, proper management of electronic waste is becoming increasingly important. From the home office computer screen all the way up to industrial machinery, disposing and recycling e-waste responsibly can have a huge effect on our environment - let's learn how together!

State and Federal regulations might be confusing when it comes to disposing of e-waste, but staying informed on the rules can help save companies from facing costly fines. To make sure your business is up-to date with these laws, visit the National Center for Electronics Recycling - they'll have all you need to know about handling hazardous materials in abandoned appliances. Know before you throw things in the garbage!

CRTs, cell phones and other hand-held devices are just a few items that can be classified as hazardous waste. But if you're looking to save money on disposal costs, consider the option of reusing or refurbishing them - they might not even require special handling!

Volume Makes a Difference

Generating more than 100kg of hazardous waste each month? That's no joke - it means your business needs to use a permissible land fill for disposal, in accordance with state and federal regulations. With so much dangerous material at stake, careful management is essential!

For those under the 100 kilogram mark, fear not - there's no need to fret over hazardous waste disposal! Unless mandated by state regulations, your materials are exempt from stringent handling requirements.

When it comes to commercial recycling with E-Waste materials, here are a few options to consider:

Commercial Recyclers like OERC

From TVs to cell phones, our modern lives generate significant amounts of electronic waste. Sadly, not every e-waste recycler is committed to safe and responsible disposal practices – which can have disastrous consequences for the environment! That's why the EPA encourages consumers and businesses alike to do their part by using certified electronics refurbishers or recycling facilities that abide by either its e-Stewards or R2 standards programs. So take a look at the EPA’s certification map today - it could be one small way you help make sure your gadgets don't damage Mother Nature tomorrow!  In the Phoenix Area, everyone is encouraged to utilize our services here at OERC!

Other Options for Recycling or Reuse

Local waste management centers are going beyond basic garbage disposal services, offering programs and events to help you responsibly get rid of potentially hazardous items such as electronics. These opportunities may be available cost-free – check with your local center for more info!  

Worried about what to do with your old electronics? Check and see if the store you just purchased a new appliance or device from offers free pickup of used equipment! Many vendors offer this option so that replacing your tech is hassle-free.  Retailers offer this incentive as it helps them to sell more products and the environment at the same time.

Doing good for the planet and others can be accomplished through a surprisingly simple solution - donate items your business no longer needs to charities! From generosity-driven foundations like Salvation Army, to an array of other organizations that accept donations, recycled goods offer funds or tangible benefits in return. They help prevent additional products from entering into landfills and provide basic necessities such as food and clothing without breaking the bank. With just one small act of kindness you're able to make a massive difference while keeping resources at their full potential!

Make your pocketbook happy without breaking the bank! Selling used electronics is an excellent way to earn a few extra dollars; all it takes is some time and effort. Spread the word about outdated items that you no longer need - whether through Craigslist, eBay, newspapers or trade organizations - for potential customers to discover them and make use of their second life.

Don’t Forget About Data Security Before Recycling or Donating

There is an immense potential for harm if confidential data like health care and financial records are left on used electronic devices without proper security measures. Negligence can lead to civil lawsuits, which puts everyone in danger of violating federal laws and facing consequences - no one wants that! Make sure you store information securely then properly dispose of it to keep yourself out of hot water.

It is important to think about the ways we can reduce our negative impact on the environment. One area that is often overlooked is electronic waste. As businesses strive to be more Eco-friendly, proper management of e-waste should be a top priority. There are a few different options for commercial recycling, including trade-in, resale, and donation programs. But before you dispose of your old devices, don't forget to erase all sensitive data first.

In Phoenix, OERC offers reliable and secure commercial recycling services for businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you properly dispose of your E-Waste in an eco-friendly way.

Brad Efune